Nader Cserny

Hi, I’m Nader,
a product guy working in Web3.

I love combining business with technology, art and music.
The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.


I'm an analytical product manager with a diverse background and 20 years of experience, from design to code and running my own companies. I love releasing products that people can't do without. I have a deep interest in tech, blockchain and finance.


  • BlockGuard
    Identify malicious addresses and spam tokens
    Rust, React
  • AI Wars
    Game - dominate the artificial intelligence industry
    React, ThreeJS
  • ChainScanner
    Fast and low-memory blockchain scanner firing webhooks
    Rust, Node, React
  • Hill Racer
    Game - drive and collect coins
    ThreeJS, JS



powerful yet easy-to-use blockchain analytics platform designed to provide insights into wallet activity.


representative and statistically relevant polls through scientific research and algorithms.


360° tool for policy monito­ring. score with insights and gain trust through analysis.