justcurio.us is an anonymous question and answer system, open to anyone, with one simple rule: to ask a question, you must first answer someone else’s question.
Strangers helping strangers.
I thought I’d ask:
I’ve got Brand Infection. Why am I Infected?
Already a couple of people have answered.
What will you answer?
You think two people answered your question. The truth is this: there is currently one maniac who has taken over the site and who writes/answers his own questions using all different country IPs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I know because I used to go there when it was fun, because I’ve had conversation with him, because he’s fairly transparent and because he hacked my computer somehow. He also runs another site that he created called Curious Too and he does the same thing there. He’s a menace you don’t want to stir. It’s a shame because justcurio.us was great several months ago.