Not the real deal jetpack with which you can fly around anywhere but nevertheless pretty awesome: a jetpack spitting water with super high pressure in order to make you fly. I hope we will see a couple of those jetpacks at beaches around the world. I’d like to give it a try. httpv://
NASA Corporate Brand Guidelines
Look at a piece of history: the NASA Corporate Guidelines from 1976, designed by Danne and Blackburn. Here is a great flickr set and if you want to read more, a post about it. An additional image after the click. a very generous tutor from my old college found the time to scan me some… Continue reading NASA Corporate Brand Guidelines
Click And Grow. The Flower Pot For Lazy Gardeners
I’ve come across a pretty cool and technologically hyper-advanced flower pot. The Click & Grow pot automatically takes care of your plant by the use of sensors, a microprocessor and special software. The “device” comes with a flower cartridge installed but can be replaced by others, for example a basil mix or mini tomato cartridge, for the… Continue reading Click And Grow. The Flower Pot For Lazy Gardeners
Famous Logos In Pure CSS
Amazing that those logos are purely done with CSS, no images for JavaScript! Here are more CSS logos.
How Agencies (really) Work. A (hilarious) Infographic
Here is a hilarious infographic of how agencies really work. Agencies are famously diverse. Big Orange Slide has examined a few of their species and drawn some arbitrary conclusions.
Online Checkout – In Real Life
Great Google Analytics commercial: Shopping online is meant to be easy. Find out where your customers are “checking out” with Google Analytics.
Kindle Fire Commercial
Palmolive Shower With Real Models In Moscow
Sadly not interactive 🙂
iPad Vs. Kindle Sunlight Commercial Video
True but I still like the iPad more.
Newsday iPad App Video
The newsday iPad App is better than a traditional newspaper except for one …