They say that chip technology doubles every two years. We’ve disproven that limitation.
Category: General
slow-mo secrets of the new #iP…
slow-mo secrets of the new #iPad #commercial, parts are #fake
Optimizing #Brands for #Social…
Optimizing #Brands for #Social #Search
“I’m On A Horse”: Apple Parody In An Old Spice Way
Following the success of the real Old Spice “I’m on a horse” commercial it was inevitable that somebody would create an Apple-specific parody. It’s a simple formula: just take the shirtless, dripping beefcake of the Old Spice ad, replace it with a doughy nerd in a turtleneck and change the can of Old Spice into… Continue reading “I’m On A Horse”: Apple Parody In An Old Spice Way
#logorama #movie wins #oscar f…
#logorama #movie wins #oscar for best animated short #brands #branding #logo
Logorama Wins Oscar 2010 For “Best Animated Short”
Logorama, an animated short by H5, has won an Oscar in the short film category. In a world made up entirely of trademarks and brand names, Michelin Man cops pursue a criminal Ronald McDonald. Awesome! Full video after the click.
Nerdpedit – The Ikea Shelf For Web Nerds
[via echt]
Pedigree Dogs Slow Motion Ad Inspired By Music Video
Fantastic Pedigree dogs commercial shot with a high speed camera that does 1000 FPS. Update: Joshua pointed out in the comments that the commercial is pretty much a ripoff of an earlier music video called “Vitalic – Poney Part 1”, directed by Pleix. Ad from TBWA Toronto.
#Virgin America ditches #Flash…
#Virgin America ditches #Flash on its site, uses similar HTML-based capabilities
iPod Air Fresheners By W5 Carcare
I’m more and more amazed of products imitating the Apple iPod look, even though they’ve got nothing to do with the company from Cupertino. Below are some W5 Carcare Air Fresheners that come in 3 flavors: “Oriental”, “Exotic” and “Ocean”. Want more? I found a great list of weird forms and shapes here. [via fscklog]