A probably starved, asian man sneakes on the floor to catch his prey: Burger King‘s Triple Whopper. Creepy but definitely worth watching. Eat like a snake! Watch Video on YouTube
Category: General
La Caixa Logo And The Painter Miro
I just found out that the third biggest bank of Spain, La Caixa, keeps it like Chupa Chups with Salvador Dali. In 1980 the spanish savings institute took a painting by Joan Miro as basis for its logo: a blue star, a yellow and red dot. I’m wondering if there are even more artists, painters… Continue reading La Caixa Logo And The Painter Miro
Eggcelent! CBS Eggvertising in Prime Time
Remember my post about EggFusion, a company enabling Eggvertising? I just found an article where the NYTimes writes about the media network CBS leveraging the widespread application of the technology for their fall advertising line-up. Here’s how the branded eggs will look like: [via ePromos]
Video: Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden
Watch “Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden” It is a couple of months ago the commercial was banned from Austrian TV, as it contains politically incorrect elements against the blind. Nevertheless advertising agency AHA took Gold for the best social advertising/TV-campaign at Comprix 2006, the prize for innovative healthcare communication in Cologne, Germany. “You know, bob. Once the… Continue reading Video: Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden
Arabic AdSense & Body Bags
Interesting, funny, business harming what I just saw on Brand Infection: Arabic Google AdSense listings. I wonder what Google’s algorithm has picked up to display this ad!?
Hello! Drinks Brand Evolves Interactively
It was in February 2006 when German Marketing-expert Jürgen Alker came back from the UK with a new business idea: smoothies. A smoothie is a blended non-alcoholic beverage made from natural ingredients, usually fruits and juices but sometimes other natural flavors such as chocolate or even green tea. Smoothies and juice bars started becoming popular… Continue reading Hello! Drinks Brand Evolves Interactively
Dilbert: What Sales People (Usually) Do
Make $25 Millions Selling Toothbrushes
Puneet Nanda was like many parents: He couldn’t get his five-year-old daughter to brush her teeth properly. But unlike most parents, Nanda is a toothbrush manufacturer with an irrepressible entrepreneurial drive. Knowing that his daughter was fascinated by her sneakers with flashing lights, he ripped the lights out of her shoes and put them on… Continue reading Make $25 Millions Selling Toothbrushes
Video: VW Polo Suicide Bomber
Well, obviously it is a fake ad and does not come from VW, but still viral. “Polo. Small but tough”
Web 2.0 Logo Creator
Following the bubbly hype around web 2.0 brands, here’s some fun: the Web 2.0 Logo Creator lets you choose a fancy name, graphical effects and of course, a beta-tag. By the way, if you ever need to come up with a cool name, here’s the perfect fit: a name generator. Need marketing information, check the… Continue reading Web 2.0 Logo Creator