BlogAds, a service that allows advertisers to build their own classified-like ads on-demand on participating weblogs has now published the firm’s second blog readership study. The results align closely with last years.
Highlights include: 75% are over 30, 75% are men, 43% have HHI over $90K Most, 14%, are employed in education, 71% have signed a petition, 66% have contacted a politician, 50% (highest of any media) rank blogs tops in usefulness for news and opinion. Read the entire study
Blogs are becoming a more and more important opportunity for advertisers to get their message through, to an audience whose internet understanding is generally very high and their daily blog reading experience constant. BlogAds is just one of the bigger companies focusing on ads for blogs but I’m sure the real business will really start when agencies like DoubleClick jump in with their Rich Media and GIF-Banners, …