Time is always a valuable form of capital and once lost it can never be recovered. Failing to manage your time efficiently will result to a decrease in the productivity. Unlike many other kinds of services that mandates you to deal with timers, having a time track system gives you an easier way to manage your time and make you stay organized at work. You will have little effort in keeping track of the working time because it enables you to choose a task on the list, and with the pressing of a button you start tracking your time.

Time track system is an online application whose function is to simplify the logging and billing of your time. The system helps managers keep their work under control and provide a better overview of the time spent during the day. These systems, both desktop and online applications are easy to use, and they do not require any training to facilitate them.
There are numerous time track systems available with amazing features that can help you track your time. One of the best tracking systems is the Clockspot.com this is a system that makes tracking time easier for remote teams of all demographics and sizes.
These systems help you to generate service invoices within a short period of time with few clicks, and then sent the invoices to your clients. This will then provide you with a platform to monitor your invoice payments and send the reminders to the clients automatically. In addition, the tracking system helps to analyze your services using a detailed report. This will eventually result into an increase in productivity.
Some of the basic features of any time track system include:
The ability to manage your clients and contacts which is made possible through importing the client’s existing listing. This then provide an opportunity to tag the clients according to the criteria of their relevance, based on the listings.

Time track systems have simple time sheets with ultra fast data entry through the drag drop system. This makes it easier to add comments and export the monthly time sheets.
Another feature is the ability to create invoices based on the existing time sheets. The invoices are easy to create and they have a flexible rate management system.
The systems are installed with reminders where you can automatically send out invoice reminders to the clients, which can be configured. They also have several reminder levels
The reporting module helps managers to analyze the time of logging in and turnover, based on different criteria.
As said earlier, time tracking applications are made for both desktop and mobile devices. It therefore makes it possible to log your time into the system through the use of mobile devices. With this application, you can easily create tasks, customize its priority and due date, and where you can log in and logout.
In addition, time track provides an opportunity for each member of staff to have their own login information and with specific access rights to their own time sheets. This is where you can assign a task to several users easily and they can manage their own time sheets.
In order to use the system, one is supposed to download the app, whether on the desktop or on the mobile, then enter your account information. Once you have signed into the account, you will find the projects column option where create your projects and the user’s column where you assign yourself to the projects by clicking on the ‘add’ sign.