Find Pages on Brand Websites

I have developed a new feature for the Brand Directory. It is a small but powerful spider-engine who finds pages on corporate websites. So for example, if you want to find the About page on Apple’s website directly this should be handy. Here’s a screenshot of the Apple page in the Brand Directory More Brands… Continue reading Find Pages on Brand Websites

Clio Xtrem Racer

Renault is online with a new game “Clio Xtrem Racer: Race to resurrection”. The gamer at the wheel of “ghost” car races against the time for reincarnation into New Clio. This futuristic racing game developed by Publicis Net France challenges gamers to experience cool jumps, loops and a blazing speed simulation.

Thank you for your feedback – HLX

The Air Sickness Bag, created by Scholz & Friends Berlin, juggles nicely with the word “feedback”. It promotes low cost flight operator HLX (Hapag-Lloyd Express) and is part of an award winning campaign at the Effie Award 2005. The cross-media campaign used attention-grabing ideas to achieve maximum effectiveness with a low budget compared to HLX’s… Continue reading Thank you for your feedback – HLX