When Advertising Meets Reality

We all know that advertisers often make products look prettier and more tasteful than they really are. This is obviously ok although sometimes the difference is astounding. There is an interesting art project comparing products and advertisement photos which you can see in the video below. Thanks to Klas for the hat tip.

Google Harms You

Check out the screenshot I just took: “This site may harm your computer” What is obviously a mistake is written underneath each title of a search result. Not only for the keyword “Google” but also for any other search query you throw at it. 🙂 Update: Google is working properly again

Let’s Go For A Drink? Thank God, You’re A Man

A (girl) friend of mine sent this ad to me: What happens if someone asks if you want to have a drink with them? The ad makes fun of the obvious cliché but I found it funny and wanted to share it with you. Beer is easy, men are too. Women are different

Microsoft Songsmith’s Horrible Promo Video

Microsoft invested $8 billion in Research & Development last year and this is a good painful example of the outcome: a girl in front of her laptop singing about Microsoft’s new song-making app Songsmith and showing her dad how great it is. Her Macbook Pro (Duh, the Software only works on Windows PCs!) is hidden… Continue reading Microsoft Songsmith’s Horrible Promo Video

The Palm Pre Kicks Ass! Watch The Full Video From CES

When Palm announced their upcoming Palm Pre Smartphone the whole internet spoke about it. Positively. If you want to know why, here’s the full video presentation from CES. After having watched the video I can say the Palm Pre (facts) kicks iPhone’s ass in terms of usability, multi-tasking with flipping applications, seamless integration of the… Continue reading The Palm Pre Kicks Ass! Watch The Full Video From CES

Delete 10 Facebook Friends = Get A Free Whopper

Funny viral campaign by Burger King: Delete 10 friends on Facebook with the WhopperSacrifice-App and get a Whopper for free. How many whoppers would Burger King need to make if whole Facebook got deleted? 🙂 [Update] Facebook shut it down due to privacy issues as they say. 233,906 friends were removed by 82,771 people in… Continue reading Delete 10 Facebook Friends = Get A Free Whopper

Burger King Perfume Smells Like Meat. Fire Meets Desire.

Burger King launched a new brand of perfume today called Flame by BK. “The Whopper sandwich is America’s favorite burger. Flame by BK captures the essence of that love and gives it to you. Behold the scent of seduction, with a hint of flame-broiled meat.” The perfume itself is apparently for sale for $3.99 but… Continue reading Burger King Perfume Smells Like Meat. Fire Meets Desire.