Apple Geeks: The Open Minded

Graphic artist Christopher David Ryan made great prints utilizing the “Apple” or “Command” Key made popular in OS X. The Apple geeks will understand the meaning: Open, Your mind (Command + O = Open) [via TheAppleBlog]

Keep Holland Clean

“Don’t turn the bus into a garbage truck. It’s just as easy to throw your trash in the waste bin.” People do not treat public buses with respect. They leave they’re garbage on it. We asked people not to turn their buses into garbage trucks.

WordPress Plugin “Most Comments” + Widget

This post is for the bloggers out there using WordPress. I was searching for a wordpress plugin that shows posts with the most comments but couldn’t find any that has enough options, so I developed one myself. Now that it’s ready I decided to publish it for free.

Abakus Keyword Analyser. A Tool For SEO.

A really handy tool for optimising your site for search engines is the Keyword Analyser by Abakus. Enter your site and it will analyse a complete web page and count keyword occurrences as well as keyword phrases.