Apple Geeks: The Open Minded

Graphic artist Christopher David Ryan made great prints utilizing the “Apple” or “Command” Key made popular in OS X. The Apple geeks will understand the meaning: Open, Your mind (Command + O = Open) [via TheAppleBlog]

Woot Ad on Google Finance: Marketing Stunt!?

Combine Google Finance, the stock market freefall and an advertisement which pops up on a search for “Goog” (Google’s Nasdaq symbol): “Before you jump out of that window, why not spend your last remaining dollars at Woot?” If it’s a great marketing stunt by Woot I wonder what Google Adwords they used. If not that’s… Continue reading Woot Ad on Google Finance: Marketing Stunt!?

to samwer something

to samwer sth. = to copy/clone sth. ex.: did you samwer this? nice, we should samwer it! – Inspired by Oliver Samwer and Rocket Internet

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